Face Card Promotions/Ad Tabs® Coupon Cards Fit Wisconsin Statues 100.16
100.16 (2) We are considered an in-pack chance promotion. We sell a coupon to redeem for a % off products sold on-line with an attached sweepstakes. The customer is buying the coupon not the chance to win.
(a) participation is free and without purchase of any sweepstakes piece, from the retailer or by mail or calling toll-free upon request.
(b) all coupon sweepstakes cards have a scheduled termination date of the promotion.
(c) the retailer does provide a supply of no purchase necessary entry forms with each box by serial number.
(d) the odds of the sweepstake winners are listed on each poster by serial number.
(e) all game pieces are randomly distributed and records maintained of distribution for over 1 year.
(f) all game pieces are randomly awarded if not used for free requests.
(g) We provide on request records of the names and addresses of all winners over 100 that were have to the state agency.
2. Lists all prizes and how many of each.
3. value of the coupon is listed on the game piece and poster advertising the sweepstakes.